So, it's been about three and a half weeks since we got to Israel and last night our internet was finally set up! As is typical of my generation, growing up with internet always within reach, the minute we were all online, conversation seized to exist. Having become completely dependent on email, online news updates, and yes I'll admit it, PerezHilton's nonsense to which I am addicted, being without this constant connection made Israel feel just that much further away from the rest of the world. As I was sitting in my room with friends, all silently surfing the web, it only occurred to me this might be an issue when the one of us who didn't bring her computer left the room for lack of conversation. I hadn't even realized my silence. On the other hand, while we may take this dependence on technology too far from time to time, the ability to connect to the rest of the world has already made me feel more comfortable and at home in this foreign land. Perhaps it's the security blanket that I've been missing for these past weeks but there has remained something in me that has been unsettled, and now as I comfortably sit on my bed with my laptop in my lap, as I have so many times before in college and at home, I know that I can live here, I can finally acclimate, I can settle, because I FINALLY have constant, uninterrupted access to the internet.
Shana Tova!
Hi Andi!
Can't wait to see the pictures of your experiences :) I am so jealous...enjoy!
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